Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tollchester Toller Picnic THIS SATURDAY

A friendly reminder that Tollchester will be having their annual picnic at Hayward Lake in Mission BC on June 5th! We are requesting anyone wishing to come to the event to RSVP (tollchester@shaw.ca). We will be supplying goody bags, lunches for families and there will be a few toller related 'door prizes'.

We plan to supply tennis balls at the picnic for the redheads so please leave all sentimental toys at home - we are having the picnic in the dog park so there a chance things may get misplaced. We will have a few water dishes on location for the dogs - if you're dog is concerned about communal water I would suggest bringing a private water dish for them. Otherwise,all you need to bring to the event is your families and tollers :o)

Here's a map of the location


Directions from Vancouver

Take Hwy 7 East toward Harrison (from the Lower Mainland)

Turn left on 287th street - there will be a set of lights there

287th changes to Wilson - continue to the end

Turn Left on Dewdney Trunk Rd - follow to the recreation signs just before the dam

Turn Right into the Hayward Lake Reservoir Recreation Area

Park on the farthest side from the entrance - at the bottom of the hill

Follow gravel path past the lake picnic area, past the dock, up the hill into the bush area, to your left will be a path and a small park sign that mention the gated area is a 'dog park'

We will be there between 10am and 1pm. See you there!

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