Topper brought along his buddy Jack "Jocar's Wild Tollchester" to keep him company in the cargo hold during his flight from Seattle WA to the Netherlands. To Jacks surprise on the other side was his new wonderful family, the Elliots waiting for him!

On March 10, 2010 Topper and his "bitches" (Connie and Simone) arrived at the Amsterdam Airport on a non-stop flight from Seattle. The four of them met up with Gary Elliot (Jacks new human daddy) for a car ride to the Hook of Holland Ferry for a 6 hour boat ride into Harwich, UK. Topper and his owners spent the day on Ferry taking a few quick naps in their room, having a meal at sea and having Topper phyiscally examined in both Holland and Harwich to ensure he was chipped, rabies vaccinated and properly tick/flea and dewormed for his entry into the UK. When they arrived in Harwich their new friend Gary drove them a hour to their hotel in Ipswitch, UK where they would spend the night.

On March 13, 2010 the plans were made to go and visit Warwick castle for a day in England. The trip to the castle was made via train which was located a few short blocks from the hotel. It was amazing to see how many people ride the train with their dogs and how useful the connections were. It was even more amazing how many people are in the Birmingham mall at 11am the day before mothers day in the UK! The trip was succesful and they arrived at the Castle later during the day ...it was a lovely castle but the theme of the grounds gave a very commercial disney feeling - Simone had the song "it's a small world" repeating in her head during the entire visit. Later in the evening when returning to the hotel Topper was prepared (yes, we bathed him!) for his next day at the show.

On March 14, 2010 the Crufts dog show for GUNDOGS begins! With a entry of 185 tollers Topper, Simone and Connie make their way to the show bright and early to ensure they don't get lost in the crowds prior to ring time. At the show Topper is prepared for his debut with a quick spritz and brush prior to his run around the ring. Simone and Topper enter the ring with Topper as cool as a cucumber and Simone more stressed then ever seen before inside a conformation ring. The two of them were 4th in the line up for Topper to be examined by the judge. They were requested to run around the ring in a circle and triangle so the judge could properally assess the gait and structure of Topper in comparison to the other 18 tollers in the open dog class! Despite the fact that Simone could barely breath and was shaking due to nerves Topper won the Open dog class where he would go on to compete for the Best Dog Category against the other class winners. Topper moved onto the Best Dog category where he competed against other very nice boys - Topper received the Reserve Dog award (aka 2nd best) in this class and would not move forward to best of breed. Topper was requested by a local supporter of Crufts to be interviewed with his owners on camera for a short clip about the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever! Topper had a blast showing off his Canadian pride with his signature red canada gloves he picked up a few weeks before a the Olympics in Vancouver! Following the breed Topper, Simone and Connie made there back to their hotel where they would pick up their car and make the drive to Ipswitch to return the vehicle. Upon returning to Avis the trio made their way to the train and took a quick train ride to Harwich where they would jump aboard the 1115pm ferry to Holland!

On March 15, 2010 Topper, Connie and Simone arrived in Holland at 745am where they would jump aboard a train to Schipol airport to hitch a ride with the local shuttle to their hotel located close to the airport. Upon arriving at the hotel the bags were unloaded in the room and a quick nap was taken prior to spending the day in Amsterdame. Later that afternoon Simone and Connie jumped aboard a train headed toward Amsterdam! When they arrived at the Center of the city they got aboard a canal cruise to get a brief history of the surrounding area and get a ride to the local Van Gough museum. The museum was 4 floors of gorgeous paintings and was rich in history of Van Gough and his timeless art. It was almost 6pm by the time they departed from the museum and were too late to miss their canal ride back to the center. This is when the adventure of public transit via bus in Amsterdam beginings! The three walked to the nearest bus stop where the question of cost of the bus was un-known by the locals. Confused Connie and Simone pilled onto the bus in search for answers... to their surprised they were informed they needed to by a bus pass but weren't given any additional information on where! So they decided to take a step off the bus and wait for the next trame which was packed full of people ...some of whom looked as equally as confused as they were. The crowed moved quickly and they were shuffled aboard a rail bus that was packed like a can of sardines headed for the center. Upon arriving at the center they made their way off the bus and onto the streets of Amsterdam where is was pooring rain at this time. They made their way through the crowds to a part of the red light district where head and sex shops seemed to overwhelm the street. Knowing they probably wouldn't find a place to eat along that strip they made there was a few blocks over in search of a restraunt. They decided to end there search shortly after it began as their jeans and jackets were dripping from the current weather. The train station was a few roads from where they were so they made the excecutive discision to hop aboard the train back to the hotel were they would have a lovely meal in dry clothing only a few steps from their hotel room.
On March 16, 2010 the trio jumped aboard the shuttle to the airport where they would begin the treck back to Seattle WA!
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